Welcome to OrchidPlantCare.info – a blog dedicated to educating its readers on a variety of orchid related topics.
We are a small team of orchid growers and lovers working hard to provide you with all the knowledge we have acquired over the years.
Our goals are to help foster the exchange of knowledge about the care and needs of orchids as well as promote conversation between new and experienced growers alike.
Whether you are a professional orchid grower, interiorscaper, florist, or hobbyist, OrchidPlantCare.info connects you with information that matches your level of orchid growing. We strive to create a conducive learning environment for all of our fellow orchid lovers by providing free printable literature, online videos, and informational articles. We hope to be THE #1 resource you turn to for help solving general orchid care problems.
Features of our site include: “Ask an Expert” where you can send us your orchid questions and concerns, a “Photo of the Week” in our image gallery, where we feature one of our readers’ photo submissions, and our “Product Reviews” section, which is a great resource for learning about all types of orchid related products.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and see what we’re all about!

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