Orchid That Needs Care – Vanda Robert’s Delight
Author: admin3 Comments
Blooming, Care and Culture, Classification, Growing Indoors
I define “needs care” orchids as those that, in temperate climates, are most suited to growing in a greenhouse or conservatory, where better conditions can be created to suit their needs.
This vibrantly colored hybrid comes from a long line of vandas bred from species native to India. These include the sky-blue V. coerulea and the cream, beige, and green V. sanderiana (syn. Euanthe sanderiana), both of which are rare in cultivation today. Their place has been taken in collections by the larger-flowered hybrids, which come in a wide range of exciting colors. The flowers are well rounded, with overlapping petals and sepals, and veined over their surface. The plants are fan-shaped, lack pseudobulbs, and produce their flower spikes from the leaf axils mainly during the winter. This hybrid was raised in 1984 in Florida, where vandas grow best – they are easy to grow in all tropical areas. In temperate climates they are challenging and need extra care, but will reward you with flowers that last four to five weeks: all-year-round light, high temperatures, and humidity are essential for growth and flowering. In Southeast Asia these orchids are grown in their teams of thousands for the cut-flower trade.
Flower Size: 3 1/2 inches (9cm) across
Flower Spike: 9 inches (23cm)
Plant Height: 2 feet (60cm)
Basket Size: 4 inches (10cm) long
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I am trying to find out what kind of orchid I have. Someone gave it to me and didn’t tell me what kind it was. Is there somewhere I can find pictures of different types of orchids so I can match it up with mine?
Have you tried a Google Image search for orchids? You should be able to compare your flower to pictures and identify it.
Sometimes small holes appear at the base of your orchid this can be from snails that have just hatched. These usually disappear into the bark during the day. The best solution to the problem is to wash the orchid thoroughly in warm water and re-pot into new bark.